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Saturday, July 28, 2012

More and more PB sisters in team!!!

Alhamdulillah..the number of sisters in my team is increasing..syukur.. boleh tak nak samakan my PB sisters ni macam fairies yang cantik2 ni..hheee..sebab fairies ni ada wing..untuk terbang mana2 je deorang suka..and boleh terbang tinggi..so same goes with all my sisters..ktorang tak de sayap je..huhu..tapi ktorang nak capai kejayaan..yang mungkin ada orang cakap tak mungkin boleh dapat..but at least we TRY!..huhu..jangan jealousy ya..

Memang macam tak sangka pun akan bertambah team member ni..

but slowly the number is growing...
i am proud of my team :) mood happy mcm kaki ni..haha!!

pic credit: mr.google

ok..so now let me introduce lah..our new sisters in team yow!!

ini dia..Ckyn!!!

ktorang kawan dari zaman matrix lagi..sampai lah sekarang..
kecik molek orangnya..but still interested to be part of my PB sisters..
dia cakap masa dia nak pakai PB orang macam pelik la kenapa dia nak pakai sebab dia dah kurus pun..
wel..korang..actually PB ni dia more untuk kesihatan kita..untuk tulang kita..tak semestinya orang yang nak kurus je boleh pakai..semua orang boleh..in fact..every women should have ONE! wee..
she is now my authorized agent..yeay!! kalau orang area Shah Alam boleh la jumpa ngan ckyn ni k..klu korang nak free consultation :)

next..we have....G!!! nama dia Hazirah..tapi panggil G je..hee..
ni lagi sorang kawan time matrix..hehe..
ramai rupanya kawan matrix saya dalam team ni..hehe....
g ni dah ada anak dua dah..
lepas pakai PB hari tu..dia cakap dia dapat pakai kebaya gi kerja..orang tak caya dia ada 2 anak..phewiit..
PB ni awesome lah..buat orang nampak vogue da vass!!
orang2 kuala terengganu..boleh la jumpa G k..klu nak pakai PB ni..

seterusnya...haa..ni jauh sikit agent ni..hee..
Fizaaa!! she is now currently in Dubai..migrate ke sana..but still interested to earn side income from this wonderful business!!
see..no matter how far u are..u cud be part of our sisterss..
sekarang kan semua right at your finger tips..so boundaries..NO MORE!
eh Ya Allah..fiza pun kawan dr matrix gak...pastu sama belaja kat UM pulak..hee..
OWH KMP!! sungguh berjasa kamu mengeratkan lagi friendship ktorang..kikikiki..

orait..below here is NORYNNN!!!
noryn ni ex-classmate hubby gue masa kat UTM dulu..
and now she's in my team!!
yeay!! she's working..but decided to be part of the team sbb mok carik side income laa..
nowadays memang orang semua perlukan side income..sebab nak belanja macam2..dengan anak yang membesar semua kan?? orang2 area bukit jalil or seri kembangan boleh dapat free consultation from Noryn k :)

and last but not least..
latest team member..
Shikin!!! eh..another shikin in our team..hihi..
shikin ni duduk kat subang bestari..
orang2 subang bestari pun boleh la nak set appointment k :)

ok..tEngok ni pulak..real testimonial from my beautiful sisters..

see...PB ni sangaaaatt BEST!! rugi tak pakai..
ok..so kalau korang berminat nak cari side income and to be part of my beautiful sisters..or nak pakai PB..
text/whatsapp terus na kat 016-219 3825..

nak jadi part of the team..yearly fee rm 50 je..then korang boleh la decide nak dapat first bonus rm200++ ke..nak rm4k ke..nak rm7k ke..mana2 pun boleh..its your decision..and we will help you to achieve what you want!!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

alhamdulillah..2nd Ramadhan..

Alhamdulillah..its 2nd Ramadhan today..

I think i really enjoy my first Ramadhan yesterday..and I am so proud of Wazeef..haa..kenapa eh..ok..macam ni..

Al-quran ada atas dressing table tau..pastu tiba-tiba...Wazeef amik and give it to me..and he said.."emen..emen.". apokah?? ok..trus macam cakap kat dia "owh..nak bonda baca eh..ok..jap jap.."

Since tak solat Zohor lagi time tu..so pergi la amik wuduk dulu trus nak solat n then baru la baca later..

so..before i perform my solah..i put back the Al-quran on the dressing table..then Wazeef started to cry..nangis mengada-ngada..haha!!  dia nak jugak suruh amik and baca kut..tp macam nak solat dulu la kan..ok..so tak pe..amik je alquran tu dulu bagi kat dia kejap at least nak suruh dia senyap..

then lepas dah habis solat..start la baca al-quran..dia still macam nak merengek-rengek..haih..kenapa pulak..then habiskan satu page dulu..then teruskan dengan tafsir for that page..

ahaa!! rupanya..nak dengar tafsir ke...sebab bila start je baca tafsir tu..terus duduk diam elok-elok atas katil..pastu..siap macam angguk kepala lagi..macam faham..for every line that i read..dia kasi respond.. "hemm...hemmm.." sambil angguk kepala...massyaAllah wazeef..wazeef..

got to admit something..dah lama dah tak sentuh al quran..the last one was mungkin dalam bulan lepas kut..huhu..so start from now got to read it everyday no matter how busy I am..sebab Allah lagi busy dari kita..tapi dia still bagi rezeki kat kita..bagi kita nyawa untuk teruskan hidup kita..he never never forget us..

InsyaAllah..semua orang sure akan jadi yang lebih baik for this Ramadhan..

Salam Ramadhan everyone!!

Friday, July 20, 2012

VCO your new bestfriend for Sahur :)

uhuh..sudah lama tidak ku tulis entri di sini ya?? waduh waduh..bz bangeet..hee..

inshaAllah..esok first Ramadhan..time is runningg so super fast..rasa macam baru je puasa tahun lepas..tengok2 dah datang next Ramadhan..last Ramadhan..Xyra still dalam perut..now xyra dah ada and next month nak 1 year dah..cepat sungguh masa berlari2..sampai tak terkejar..huhu..

haa..nampak gambar yang cantik di atas?? ehee..buat sendiri ocay..pagi2 tadi..lepas solat subuh terus je design mini poster ni..biasa2 je..but i loike..haha! sebab "ceria"..kan ?kan?

okey..memandangakan esok kita nak start puasa dah..apa kata korang makan lah jugak  VCO ni.. kenapa yeh?? haa..kalau korang tak tau..VCO ni actually provides an immediate source of energy..tarak tipu punya wa cakap sama lu olang.. ;p sebab hari tu time puasa ganti na dah try la..makan VCO ni..tengok betul ke orang kata kalau time puasa makan je VCO inshaAllah ada energy..and kurang la kepenatan..daaannn...terbuktilah keberkesanannya..

siapa ada baby?? and fully breastfeed? selalunya kalau orang yang breastfeed ni..dia akan cepat penat and lapar semua lah kan..sebab energy2 kita tadi telah disedut oleh baby..kan??haha!! kalau satu baby pun dah tak larat..just imagine...me?? breastfed 2 kiddies...ha..hambik kau..dengan kerja rumah nye lagi yang nak kena buat..serius sangat penat weh..but Alhamdulillah..i can get the energy walaupun puasa..what i did was..masa sahur tu..makan 7 kurma..7 VCO..pastu minum susu..minum air..and fibre drink jugak..and makanan lain sikit..alhamdulillah..its not that tiring..and susu pun cukup untuk meet demand dua kanak-kanak saya itu..kalau tak sure lemah longlai nye lah..

ada orang cakap..uih sampai 7 vco??? lek aa...VCO is 100% natural..VCO bukan ubat tau..banyak orang salah faham ingat VCO ni ubat..tak ye ..its supplement..or makanan tambahan..so kalau makan banyak pun tak jadi masalah.. and VCO ni pulak memang minyak semata-mata..tak  campur dengan chemical apa2 pun..
mana dapat VCO ni..is actually from fresh coconut..bukan kelapa yang dah kering tu tau..memang fresh punya..

ni boleh baca ni sikit info pasal VCO..

Virgin coconut oil is derived from fresh coconuts (rather than dried, as in copra). Most oils marketed as "virgin" are produced one of three ways:
Quick drying of fresh coconut meat which is then used to press out the oil. 
Wet-milling (coconut milk). With this method the oil is extracted from fresh coconut meat without drying first. "Coconut milk" is expressed first by pressing. The oil is then further separated from the water. Methods which can be used to separate the oil from the water include boiling, fermentation, refrigeration, enzymes and mechanical centrifuge. 
Wet-milling (direct micro expelling). In this process, the oil is extracted from fresh coconut meat after the adjustment of the water content, then the pressing of the coconut flesh results in the direct extraction of free-flowing oil. 

Catalyst Virgin Coconut Oil has helped change people's lives and it can change yours too. It is used by many people in their daily diet for general health management and beauty & other treatments. Give yourself a chance to experience the many benefits of Catalyst virgin coconut oil. 

 Supplies important nutrients necessary for good health
 Provides an immediate source of energy
 Boosts body's immune system 
 Supports healthy metabolic function 
 Promotes weight loss 
 Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
 Helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) & enhance good cholesterol (HDL) 
 Helps keep skin soft and smooth
 Helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of the skin
 Helps protect against skin cancer and other blemishes
 Helps maintain healthy thyroid function
 Helps control diabetes; helps regulate blood sugar 
 Reduces risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease
 Reduces risk of cancer and other degenerative conditions
 Helps prevent osteoporosis
 Helps prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal (including yeast) infections 
 Lowers the viral load of AIDS patients
 Helps hepatitis C, herpes patients
 Functions as a protective antioxidant

see..banyak kan khasiat kelapa..? eh..jap..rasanya dari sekolah kut kita ada belajar..yang kelapa ni kegunaan dia macam-macam kan??haa..thats why la VCO is gooooodd for everyone okeh..hee..

okey..kalau siapa2 nak order VCO..boleh je email na kat nadenook@hotmail.com or terus je text or whatsapp na kat 016-219 3825..

ouh..harga VCO rm39.90 jer per bottle..boleh pilih nak yang softgel ke or yang dalam bentuk pure oil..kalau nak senang telan better amik yang softgel tu..tapi kalau nak guna untuk sapu2..better amik yang pure oil tu..
lagi better kalau ada dua2 jenis..haha!! ok lah..siapa yang baru nak try..selamat mencuba k :)

and happy Ramadhan everyone!!!

semoga Ramadhan kali ni bertambah good deeds kita okeh..inshaAllah..aameeen..