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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

2 months as a wife :)

Well.. it just started..baru 2 bulan kawen..not 2 years or 20 years OR 200 years kalau lah panjang umur kami..huhu..

Marriage is simple..one guy one girl tie d knot ....live together..sleep together..its sounds easy and fun..kan? But..u need to bare in mind dat there is alots and alots of responsibility that u need to carry wit.. take care of your husband and wife..if got children tambah lah lagi kebajikan..tak ker ?;p
make sure sumer bender cukup lengkap..tak der yang kurang ..to make everybody happy..rite? Yang ni pun bunyi macam senang kan? mcm nak happy kan orang nak jager itu ini jer..kan?nak duit lebih..keje la lebih..dok? ;p

BUT!! different people have different personality..tak gitu?nak take care of sumbody u need to know their character..maser bercinter OR mostly orang pakai perkataan "COUPLE" we think we knew the most 'bout our partner.. setengah orang may be mcm "I know him/her well..so mcm tadahal la kalau nak kawen ngn dea" something like dat..but belief me..biler korang kawen nnt korang akan nampak aper yang korang tak tau maser korang couple..hrmm..interesting kan?hahah!!

For me..as a newly wife..if its sumthing new to us..sumthinng yang kiter raser mcm ape kes nih? try not to pelik..just accept it as it is..if bender tu bukannyer melanggar islamic law..it'll be good..u'll soon know that it was d best for u..for muslims..everytime afta solat just pray dat u'll live happily ever after with your partner..it'll be good if u cud solat berjamaah with ur partner at least skali sehari :) trust me..u'll see d difference..u'll feel more peace..afta solat just give a salam and a kiss and a hug if u lyke it ;p later sure korang akan raser cam the "LOVE" is in da house :) wah!!mcm ustazah pulek..no la..just wanna share sumthing ngn korang kan?sumthing gud what..bukannyer bender jahat pun..huhu..

Okey! gaduh..fighting..misunderstanding..is NORMAL..maser couple pun tipu aa kalau korang tak gado..sikit pun mesti ader kan? same goes to me..we can't live in dis world PERFECTLY..mungkin ader orang yang tak bergado ngn partner dea..but itu sangat tak best..hahahah! jeles sebenarnyer kalu ader orang yang macam tuh ;p wen we fight we get to know more..and more ..and more.. BUT!! bukan gado yang lamer yang besar..yang ego yang amat..okey..UNDERSTAND ur partner..if dea type yang "lantak kau aa..buang maser jer pujuk" yer yang tu type yang EGO okeh..;p if partner kiter type yang mcm tuh..kiter mcm tak leh jadi type yang samer seperti dier ..okeh? we haf to be d opposite of him..okeh..just forgive and forget...kalau nak biar melarat2..mmg la confirm tak leh nak happy..can i ask sumthing? ader ker orang yang suker gadoh ngn partner dea? wut for rite? baik cam tak yah couple or kawen kan? masing2 nak menang jer kan? kalau saper disagree siler la btau yer.. :) even in ISLAM kiter kene slalu maafkan orang..btw..before korang tido just maafkan jer sumer orang..if korang dah kawen say sorry to ur husband like every2 nite..TAU?same lah lelaki gak kene ckp sorry kat wife dea jugak :D aper2 pun..we shud give and take..rite?

Being a full-time house wife had taught me alot..walaupun baru 2 bulan..but it had changed me..sikit sikit la..jadi rajin sikit..hahaha!!sememangnyer sayer sangat pemalas nak bangun awal pagi..tapi sekarang kene bangun dalam pukul 4 or 5 pagi..sebab edan dea gi keje kul 6.30 pagi..so sebenarnyer best kut bangun pagi..sbb u get to feel d Super fresh air..memandangkan tak keje n duduk rumah jer..PLUS time kawen 2 bulan yang lepas..mcm dapat byk buku2 agama yang orang kasi prezen..so boleh la bacer...tiber2 jer cam rajin giler bace buku agama..siryes! buku2 tu sumer macam best sebenarnyer..sebab byk giler bender yang kiter tak tau and baru tau..at least i cud change d bad side of me to be a better person :)

OWH!!! luper nak cakap..if maser korang couple ader jer orang2 yang tak suker or jeles ngn korang ..lantak pi la..if u think he is d best for u ..just proceed..dun make d outsiders to influence u..slagi korang raser korang boleh bertahan ..bertahan sajer..betul kut..sbb..it was from my own experience..i know dis..cz maser ktorang couple agak la ramai kut yang tak suker..but i just ignore it..cz it was my "love story"..not their love story kan? kalau orang nak cakap just dengar la jer..but ikut jer kata hati korang daripada ikut kata orang :)

To my sweet dearest prince charming..if u're reading this..thank you for everything..i love u for what u are..thank u sbb bersabar dengan perangai gue yang tah hape2 nih..thank you sbb nak kawen ngn baby..sorry if i'm not d bestest wife for u..but all i can do is TRY..kan b kan? ;) love u sayang ("*")



to everyone who's reading dis..may all of u will be happy forever with your life partner :)

Saye Wifey Edan :)


  1. best kan ada hubby.. i suka amik gamba hubby i masa dia tdo..ngeh3.. pastu buh kat facebook.. haha

  2. ala sweet nye...

    u sorg wife yg sgt baik..
    moga jodoh korg bkekalan hingga ke syurga..


    i nk kawen lmbt lg kot..
    br 4thn lebih kapel..

  3. babe, its all true.mmg ape yg u tulis nie i pon rasa..juz part yg solat jemaah skali sehari tu yg wat i mengalir airmata.coz me n hubby r not living together..so dpt pun time weekend jer..masa gie honeymoon dulu dptlah, mmg sgt besh moment bile dah habis solat, salam hubby n he kissed my forehead..so sweet kan na?I'll pray for ur happiness n dimurahkan rezeki selalu..i hope we can b a good wife!*wink*

  4. ameeeeen :)..baik? tak kut..huhu..byk jer lagi step utk jadi yang ter"best" hee ;p
    4 tahun? okey la ..dah boleh kawen dah..kot..i pun kapel 4 tahun lebih..baru kawen :)

  5. huhu..

    trus kn step utk jd yg ter"best" wife okek?

    i br 21 tahun je..
    blaja pn x beh lg...


  6. ameeen.. hopefully all of us could get a happy ending.. me as well.. ngee... wish you all the best...

  7. ameeen.. hopefully all of us could get a happy ending.. me as well.. ngee... wish you all the best...

  8. princess..alaa..yeke?tak per..weekend still ader rite? okey la tuh :) thank u for the prays..may u'll be blessed with happiness too :)

  9. luna: owh blaja lagi ker?
    heheh..blaja dulu kasi habes ..hehe

    my : ameen..thank u :)

  10. comel la sis nih.
    btol ape yg sis ckp sume 2.
    cple n married is not the same thing,
    da kawen sume bende terbongkar..hahaha
    itu yg my mum bgtau.
    hope akak cpt2 menimang cahaya mata yg comel like u..!!=)

  11. awh..this is nice :)

    betui ka jadi wife bleh automatic jd rajin bgn pagi? kekekekekee i wonderr that every day....bilala diri ini nak rajin :P haha

  12. sweetnye na.
    ni yang buat tak sabar nak kawen ni.
    uuhuhu ;p

    teruskan eh camtu na.
    kite doakan.
    amin :)

  13. hahah!! ameeennn...hopefully akan dapat yang comel dan sejuk perut ibu mengandung..hee:)

  14. nadia..lagi 2 bulan kan nak kawen ? semoger sukses!! gambate gambate!! hehe..korang pun nnt mesti bahagier gak:) ameen

  15. suraya..boleh kut automatic..sbb nnt mcm segan giler laki dah bgn kiter dok tido dgn bahagiernyer pulak..hahahah!!mule2 la kut ..cam still bgn lambat..dea akan tersedar sendiri nnt..insyallah..so..kawen la :)

  16. hye sis laling...heee...besnya....mcm ni shila pun nk kawin awal gak laaaa.....haaaaa...

  17. what a best advise!! thanx na..will practice all u've said bile maz da kahwin nti..

    nmpk mudah n fun, but i know it's not..

    insyaallah everything will be fine..amin..

  18. hye shila!!haha! kawen2..jangan tak kawen ;p

    maz..soon u will face all dis kan?..all the best!! hee:)

  19. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    dearie na~

    suke akak baca..heheh ^__^

    seronok sebenarnye kawen ni kan dear..ade manis nye dan ade masamnye [heheh]cehh macam akak dah kawen je.. :P
    kita lalui waktu yang indah bersame suami pilihan hati.. rasenye tak same masa kita dengan parents ngan kawan-kawan kn..? lain..
    akak teringat masa pi kursus kawen tU.. macam-macam belajar...

    bile dah kawen kita takleh dah nak pentingkan diri, dah kena fikirkan perasaan suami dan rumahtangga.. kita kena berubah untuk itu..

    betul bile dah kawen semua yang kita tatau masa couple kita tak jangka pun dia macam tu tapi dah kawen ape nak selindung lagi.. yerlaa dah hidup berdua kn na?.. hee~

    rafiqy akak tu serius sangat lor naa.. hee~ akak pulak jenis kebudak2an sikit.. ngade2 laa..kadang2 dia layan kadang2 dia biarkan je.. heheh so kena fahamlah dia macamner..

    rase akak tak sabar dah nak kawen.. yerlaa umo makin lanjut dah ni.. kawan-kawan semua dah nak kawen tahun ni.. akk je.. :D huhu nanti dah kawen leh share same na kan.. pengalaman as a wifey... ^__^

    take care dear...

  20. wah..akak..1st time nih na bace comment yang panjang..hahahah!!betul la..maser kursus kawen pun orang tu cakap macam tu jugak kan..

    takper la kak..if rafiqy tu serius and akak mcm childish2 sikit..balance la..if dua2 seriyes..bilenyer nak happy kan?if dua2 lak childish..saper lak nak tegur if ader bender2 siryes..tak ker?hee..

    tak pe nnt akak dah kawen share ngan ktorang lak ceriter keh..heheh :)

  21. hee~ panjang eak.. tak pasan.. huhu
    betol tu.. okie.. hope sangat dapat share.. :D

  22. cayang,i totally agreed with what u say.
