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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Happy Anniversary !!!

Alhamdulillah..semalam 12 JUne 2010 genaplah 1 tahun ktorang kawen..woot! woot! baru 1 tahun jer..byk lagi tahun nih..insyaAllah..

Syukur..within a year..we have baby Wazeef in d house yow! ;p

i am so super happy with dis new life..owwww!!! tips untuk yang belum kawen n dah kawen n belum ader baby lagi..cepat la kawen n dapat baby..mesti korang akan sangat suker :)

to beloved husband: Happy Anniversary!!!! sayang kamooo sangat amat.muaaahhhx!!! cant wait to c u next month..huu..lambat lagi :(


  1. Happy Anniversary Na n Edan
    congrat for nwe born baby

  2. aaa memang nak kawen tapi fulus takda mencukupi lagi. kekekeke ;p

    tahniah sis! :)

  3. Ginyumilul chuka hamida to kak na & hubby :D

    kak na cumeiii betul la.. hee

    anni syaz harini hikhik.. XD

    jom kite pi celebr8 together2 XD

  4. Alhamdulillah, dah pon 1 tahun. Semoga hidup berkekalan hingga ke anak cucu yer, Na...:D

  5. Wowwwii..mmg double happiness ni..hehe..congrate to both of u for annivesarry and new born baby..welcome to motherhood world..hehhe
