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Friday, December 31, 2010

Warkah buat Wazeef #5

Salamu Alaykum my dearest "hentem" boy..

InsyaAllah..it is almost 2011 just in a few minutes more..and probably by the time i finish typing this it'll be 2011 :)

Okey..1st of all..congratulations on your 7 months birthday..it was 2 days back..so hari ini dah masuk 7 months n 3 days.. say Alhamdulillah k wazeef :)

As usual wanna share with u ..ur progress up till today..mari kita mulakan yer..

- love to roll ur body on bed..the comfortable place ever..
- suka main mulut buat macam2 bunyi..
- suker jerit tiber2..nak attention la tu kan..?macam la tak tau.. ;p
- ur hand and leg seems to be stronger than last month..
- love to eat..owh! makanan yg dimakan adalah seperti nestum baby..porridge..fruits..and obviously susu terbaik di dunia :)..hey! its new year!!! bunyi mercun dah kat sini..;p
- suker main dgn curtain..buku..kertas..plastik..ape2 jer lah yg ade bunyi2..pantang nampak laju jer tgn nak grab ..sampai buku citer wazeef dah nak terkoyak dah..huhu
-pandai gelak2 and dah pandai main2 peek-a-boo..ataupun melayu nyer adalah..cikuuuu chaaak!
-mm..whatelse..tak le nak recall la pulak..huhu..

ok lah..tak pelah...kalau wazeef nak tau aper2..tanyer jer lah bonda eh ;p hihi..love u prince charming :)