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Friday, January 20, 2012

my very first entry of 2012!!!! woooo!!


lame giler weh tak hupdate blog..last entry was october 2011??gilosss..hahah!!



wow! syukur alhamdulillah..its 2012..and i'm still alive..being blessed wit one lovely hubby-bee..

2 angels :)

my boy...wazeef!!!

my girl..xyra!!!

and older!!!ahaaaa!! age doesn't matter?? it does matter to me..need to plan more n more..to have a better life..to be closer to Allah s.w.t..

hrmm..so..apekah perlu ditulis sebenarnyer ni yer?? tadi sambil melipat kain dah fikir2 la..kunun2 jap gi nak tulis ape kat blog..mcm dlm kepala thinking of telling people my daily life..handling 2 kids..without any helper..tapi mcm tetibe dah pening kepala n ngantuk..hahaha!! its 1.25am..shud i sleep now?? mungkin..n will tell my daily life soon..inshaAllah in next post..

now nak list down sikit.."to do list"

1. JANGAN MALAS!! *penat kut nak handle kanak2..ngn kerja rumah lagi..bukan malas..tapi tak sempat ;p..so pasni time management kena buat elok2..*

i think i need a chalkboard..hahah!! gedik tak?? mesti nnt b ckp..ni tgk saper pulak ? pengaruh tv la ni? bla bla bla..haha!!

2. play more with wazeef n xyra..at this stage they need more love from bonda n ayahnda :D

3. try to cook n learn more new recipes..fuhh..teringin sangat nak buat pavlova..cake..mcm2 lah..inshaAllah akan cuba buat jugak :D

4. mm..ape yer?? ya Allah kul 2 pagi dah?? mm k lah need to sleep la.. cukup la 3 ni dulu ;p inshaAllah till we meet again in next post!!!



  1. na & hubby muka seiras gilosss~~~ank2 couldn't tell ikut muka sape tapi yg pasti ; comel bangat!!!! gud luck mummy!

  2. comel nya anak2 na :)

    uish,teringin juge pavlova tu

  3. Raihamina: hehe. ?thanx :-)

    Pia: jom buat pavlova..hehe

  4. omggggg ur xyra comelllllll gileeeeerrrr!! dh save ur link.. ;)

  5. hihi. comei amat si kecik berdua tu. ehehe. slamat berblog selamat menjaga beby2 comei tu. slamat memasak nadh ucapkan. :D
