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Saturday, April 7, 2012

Me and Premium Beautiful-achievement!!!

Premium Beautiful business anyone??

Ahaa..cakap pasal doing business with premium beautiful..very very da awesomeness lah!! Sebab tak susah pun..tak yah fikir nak shoot on model..macam jual tudung...nak kena update new design selalu..pastu nak shoot gamba..walaupun best but a bit tiring..hehe..tapi best sebab boleh jual design yang cantik2 :D

ok..back to PB business..

some might already know the business plan..and some might not..

some would say..
"eish..tak de masa la.."
"ee..tak reti laa.."
"tak nak la..tak berani..nanti tak balik modal.."

Picture credit to :http://www.polyvore.com/talk_to_hand/set?id=14262379

a big no no for those reasonss laa..alasan dah ada before nak buat something??no good..no good.. *sambil menggeleng-gelengkan kepala* ;p

Dont be too negative ya friendss and families..
picture credit to mr. google

cuba be positive sikit..bila dah ada alasan-alasan yang negatif tu ..tu yang tak jadi tu..cuba kita terus je jadi positif..INSYAALLAH..Allah memang akan tolong kita..

As for my story..masa mula-mula nak join this business..had a discussions with family..listen to their opinion first..and DAMN!! condemn!condemn!condemn! erggh..stress je..tak supportive langsung..masa tu memang macam nak gaduh je..well..me..if i want something..i will fight for it la..so memang la macam nak gaduh-gaduh..sebab nak menang..hahaha!!

time tu macam baru nak cerita je..terus la ayat-ayat keluar dari mulut deorang macam...

"MLM ke? hrmm..tak payahla..tipu je semua"
"ada ke orang nak beli..mahal pulak tu?.."
"rugi la nanti.."
"kejap je MLM ni..nanti tepu la.."

itulah inilah..eishh..tu yang macam nak marah je rasa..belum apa2..dah kasi statement macam tu..

So...what i did was....teruskan jugak dengan niat di hati nak join business ni..hahah!! peduli apa orang nak cakap..sebab nak tunjuk jugak kat deorang ..that I CAN DO IT!!

Frankly speaking..i wasnt that active..time baru join..just jual sikit-sikit je korset..sebab time tu still dalam pantang..pastu..sibuk nak balik bintulu..and memandangkan baru ada Xyra..so macam nak stabilkan diri jaga 2 orang kanak-kanak riang..so start last month baru la boleh aktif sikit in this business..


Syukur Alhamdulillah....untuk bulan pertama mengseriuskan diri dalam business ni...my sales was RM60k ++..ya Allah..tak tipu..kalau korang tak percaya..tunggu statement sampai rumah k..ni statement untuk bulan march tak sampai lagi..first time ever in my life to achieved this figure..may be orang lain dah biasa la dapat figure macam tu kan..tak kesahla.. ni tak cerita kat papa lagi..kalau cerita ni mesti dea ubah perception..haha!! hari tu orang nak join tak supportive kan...hee..

bukan niat nak menunjuk..tapi nak share ngan kamu orang - kamu orang semua..yang saya..duduk kat rumah je kut..memang tak keluar rumah langsung kut...duduk rumah..jaga anak..mandi anak..basuh poo-poo mereka..masak-masak..basuh baju..vacuum rumah..pastu online je..hehe..
tapi alhamdulillah sales boleh sampai rm60k.. so boleh pakai ke alasan-alasan kamu orang yang cakap tak ada masa ni??ingat..ingat..ingat..do not put negative reasonsss first ya..put your positive goal first ok :D tips ni..hehe..

Macam mana eh boleh dapat sales sampai banyak macam tu?dah la tak keluar rumah jumpa orang pun..AHAAA!!!! Tips yang paling senang and simple..its TEAMWORK darlink..

picture credit to mr.google

memang dalam PB business ni they all focus on teamwork..sebab tu la kita boleh tengok ramai yang success dalam business PB ni because of teamwork..jadi harus pilih kumpulan yang betul ye..and i am thankful to Allah s.w.t because He had given me a chance to be in the right group..memang my biz partners had helped me alot...thanx korang..in my next entry for "me and premium beautiful" i will introduce you all to my biz partners k..siapakah mereka?jeng jeng jeng..

Cakap pasal teamwork ni..alhamdulillah..my group semakin berkembang dan berkembang..now dah berkembang ke sabah dah pun..hehe..bukan kat semenanjung je tau...hope that it will grow more n more n more..heheh.

Antara benda yang awesome bila join PB business:

Dapat pakai PB corset for free!!

Dapat bonus from Hai-o!!

A chance for a Free trip every year..stay at 5 star hotel for freee!!! my target for this month..nak dapatkan free tiket to guangzhou!! aameeen!!

A chance to get a car for free..ni memang idaman i lah..akan ku berusaha sehingga dapat pakai kereta free..hehe..

and..many many more!!!

fuuuhh..awesome kan??hehe..

so..siapa yang macam nak cari side income..or mommies yang plan nak cari income walaupun duduk rumah jer..come and join my team..we will guide you..kita akan bekerja sama-sama..nothing to be afraid of..if i can do this...everybody can do this too..

interested to be part of my team??pm me at fb "na edan" or email to nadenook@hotmail.com with interest ok.. :D

hopefully this entry will inspire you to change your life :)


  1. Haaaa jauh tauu sabahhh. Hehoheho. Good luck for our group.

  2. very very inspiring :)
    how can i join?

  3. Cinoi: yeah! Go cinoi!
    Farah: please email me at nadenook@hotmail.com and give your contact number k..nnt kt contact2 :-)

  4. wa bestnye kak..saya pon dah resign keje..tp ingat nak bizz kat rmhje..tp xtau la kak..modal xde lg nih..eeueu

  5. yatzakie..haa..elok la tu..klu duk rumah boleh je nak join biz ni..sgt membantu tau..hehe..modal bukan masalah tau..sbb ada je org yg start dgn register je dulu as member..rm50 je utk jadi member..kku yat interested nak tau more on biz plan..email je kak na k..nnt kt sharing2 :-)

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