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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

VCO dan "magic" nya :)

Morning..its 8.00 am now..hehe

hari ni na nak share pasal Virgin Coconut Oil a.k.a Minyak Kelapa Dara..or..orang panggil je VCO :)

kenapa terasa nak share..sebab hari tu terjumpa satu artikel yang best pasal benefit VCO..

Kasi intro sikit la kan pasal VCO ni k :)

Why is VCO healthy?
It contains a special group of fats, the medium chain fatty acids that are similar to fats in human breast milk and have similar nutritional benefits. *source : thevirgincoconutoil.com

OK..faham tak sikit general information about VCO..
Actually VCO ni kegunaan dia sangat sangat banyak sangat dalam daily life..kalau tidak percaya..boleh baca kat bawah ni..hehe..

1. VCO as medicine

 cure common colds and sore throat
-hot tea +honey+VCO

i haven't try this..but will one day inshaAllah nak tengok boleh cure cepat tak.. :)

first aid for wounds and bruises for cuts and scrapes
-apply VCO at the affected area to help prevent infection and even scarring

I tried this! and it works! hehe..hari tu..wazeef punya area kuku kaki darah sikit sebab terlanggar vacuum..pastu terus cuci and letak VCO kejap je dah elok..tak bengkak pun..yeay!great one right?

cure fever
-massaging VCO on whole body will lower dow the temperature

2.  VCO as a natural hair and skincare product

Dandruff free!!
apply a few times a week . massaging VCO will promote healthy hair as well as cure and prevent dandruff. It is natural and safe for children and babies :)

I got to admit this..kepala ku ada dandruff..lalu ku cuba set hair treatment set from Catalyst whereby one of the main ingredient pasti dan tentunya dari VCO la kan.. sangat best.. sebab bila lepas apply je kat kepala..nanti mcm bila sentuh kepala boleh rasa macam ada kuping2..mungkin minyak2 yang berlebihan yang menyebabkan kelemumur tu terkumpul kut..pastu best boleh kopek je cam tu..sangat puas hati la..pastu..bila dah lama2 dah hilang dah kulit kering tu..and now rambut terasa la macam best!!

Natural deodorant!
apply vco on your underarms.
safe and wont harm your skin
make your underarm skin smooth
kills germs and bacteria that causes body odor

Gentle makeup remover
Sumpah senang!haha!! try la..swipe je hilang terus..pastu tak pedih muka pun..and it help to moisturize your face..

Acne remedy
applying vco will not make your face oil and greasy. it will clean the pores and help to rid off unsightly pimples

A natural body lotion/moisturizer
Na apply VCO dekat wazeef and Xyra jugak..i never put on baby lotion anymore..guna saja VCO..terbaik!
better to apply after cleansing or washing for better absorption.

Shoo insects away
use VCO instead of insect repellents..and you can combine it with peppermint oil..
hrmm..mana nak cari peppermint oil?? siapa tau?

Massage oil
try ni..nanti boleh hilangkan kotoran kat badan and at the same time promote better blood circulation. It will soothe aching muscles

okey!!! sudah faham??hehe..siapa yang belum try lagi vco ni boleh la cuba k..

i'm selling it..

rm39.90 per bottle

softgel and liquid both sama harga..

if interested boleh pm kat fb na : na edan or email pun boleh nadenook@hotmail.com


  1. ramai memang cakap vco ni terbaik. :)

  2. rara..betul tu..hehe..its worldwide kan..

  3. ade org kata jgk.... boleh turunkan berat badan...

  4. ashisyero aah memang pun sebab dia boleh increase kan kadar metablosima :)

  5. kak na, ira nak share ni boleh? will credit it back to u. ;)
