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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

da creativity to pose and to snap

ow!! hye!! hehe..kat bwh nie ader gamba yang agak creative dari kami..hehe..without any special effects from photoshop or any photo editor..we snap these straight from our camera and upload it to our laptop..dengan hanyer menggunakan kreativiti sendiwi maka terjadilah gambar2 seperti di bawah..hahaha!! enjoy ur self..

oopss..luper lak nak btau gamba ni maser ktorang gi miri.. we went there cz eeedan's papa was there for his job so dea ader bawak some of wedding gift ktorang yang ktorang dapat time wedding hari tuh..so dea bwk la sikit2 since dea slalu gak datang miri.. btw..miri tu mcm sebelah jer ngn bintulu about 2 hours trip :)

breakfast time @ marriott ,miri

da power of spinning ..:)


toing !! toing!!! its springy jumpo!!


yeahhh!!! da power is from below to top!!

finalllyyy...peace ya'll :)


  1. na...best ke dok bintulu...hehe..dah boleh cakap sarawak ker? hehehehe...ramai cina kan...
    na, macam mana buat pic tu?

    *enjoy nyer bila dah kawen ...

    do take care..

  2. eehhehe... kelakar jee... x pe ni pon creative juga...

  3. eja: okey jer la..biaser2 jer kat sini..a'ah ramai cina ka sini..tak pandai ckp sarawak lagi lor..sikit2 jer paham..hee..
    take care too :)

    esca: hee :) mmg klakar pun..but we're having fun at this moment ..tgh2 malam ..stop by dekat park..pastu terlompat lompat ..terpusing2 cam org gil...hahahaha!!

  4. hehe..ye!!sgt creative untuk kanak2 riang mcm ktorang..hahah!!

  5. comey nyer korang !!
    Na guna Colorsplash Lomo camera ker?

  6. sha..tak pun..na guner digital cam biaser ja..hihi..its so unbelievable that my camera cud do dis..sbb tu la mcm excited giler mengambil gambar nih..hahahaha!!
