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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

TTDI community hall..menyambut menantu

assalamualaikum..okey..ini lah majlis yang last..wic is menyambut menantu.. dis one kat dewan pulak..on 20 june 2009 a week afta me reception.. kalau dah buat kat hall malam la best kan..hehe.. so enjoy d photo..

btw..gamba from deorang nyer photographer dah siap..tapi deanyer soft copy n hardcopy sumer ader kat rumah edan kat subang..so ktorang tak sempat nak tgk lagi..yang gamba2 nih sumer from aizu's collection .. enjoy d show!! ;p

zufa..awak sgt chumel tyme nih..haha!! id..control2..hahah!!

kat depan tu la ktorang nyer pelamin..

kamee..bersama dulang boys..yang smart2 sumer :)

dis is sara n haz...habes muker sumer kene penyek..hahah!!
dis is alllll my gf.. :) sayang korang!!


  1. naaa. congrats dear. bestnya tgk pics. nanti upload la lg. do u facebook. add pls hu_s_na@yahoo.com. nak tgk pic byk2. congrats and have a happy beginning together!

  2. hi sis..
    congratulation for the wedding
    both of u looks so nice together
    hope the love will last forever. amin.

    anyway, i know the most-in-front guy in the 'dulang boys' pitcha
    he is my senior
    what a small world heh?

    btw, enjoy the moment as a wife!!


  3. so sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. princes bongbong: makasih ya :)
    fariza: hee..thank u darl :)
    faza: owh really? u know them? wut a small world? dak seafield ker? ;p
    husna: search 4 "na edan" at fb..u'll find :)

  5. Na...
    kiter bukan control lahhh....
    berat kut dulang tue plus kain rasa mcm nk tercabut...

  6. hahahhaha!! tak per yang penting selamat naik stage n turun stage.. :D
